Rooster Baby
From Sacred Headdresses to Sacred Spaces...
Peace Love Unity Respect! Temple PLUR is a sanctuary to honor and connect with the sacredness of the Earth, the Divine and Each Other. Temple PLUR provides a place to ground, to quiet the mind and be enveloped in love. It is a place to cultivate the feelings and philosophy of PLUR (Peace Love Unity Respect), weaving the connections in our festival family strongly and tightly together.
Temple PLUR is a traveling temple, inclusive of all faiths, that creates sacred spaces in varying sizes and complexities, from little altars to large, embracing spaces and shrines at festivals, gatherings, and weddings, etc.

The philosophy that has come be known as PLUR was born from the pioneers of the consciousness revolution of the 60’s. Our previous generation’s longing for social transformation, unity and peace has evolved into a community that continues to be united by music, dance, knowledge and love. To be in a community of those who believe in PLUR is an almost surreal experience. There is such an incredible amount of positivity being projected and shared, like a sea of love and bliss. You feel connected to everyone there. You can walk up to anyone and start talking with them as if you knew them for your entire life. Friends are made instantly. Love and happiness are found everywhere. Ecstasy manifests itself both as a higher emotional frequency, as well as a molecular compound. Joy, bliss, and serenity permeate everywhere.

Only good can come from an understanding of and living in peace, love, unity, and respect. This is the PLUR philosophy, the manifesto we encourage all to live by.
Come and join us in the temple, in the woods of the Illuminated Forest at What The Festival when we return in 2019. Dream catchers woven into the site and a sound garden of wind chimes will surround you. Inside the temple, you can relax and center, surrounded by altars of sacred statues, crystals and sacred artifacts. Come hold ceremony with intentions to tap into the Earth’s own energy. The TEMPLE P L U R crew will be present to hold space, care for the temple and be present with anyone who wishes to connect.
TEMPLE P L U R, in the Tipi Temple, at What The Festival 2015
TEMPLE P L U R at What The Festival 2017
Shannon Lynch aka Rooster Shannon is the lead visionary behind Temple P L U R and has been creating sacred spaces at festivals and events for 22 years. Her beloved and indispensable crew of like-minded rebel-rousers and peace-keepers join her to create a sanctuary that will stir the mind and nurture the soul... This project would not be possible without the enormity of their heart and hard work, along with the trust of the WTF Founders ~ Tiffany & Glen, and the help of numerous hands from “unofficial” but no less integral crew helpers.